Football Forms for the Winning Coach Instant Digital Download

304 pages, including 134 Football Coaching Forms

This one-of-a-kind digital book contains forms and checklists for every one of your practice-, game- and program-management needs -- including organizational tools you've never even thought about! A total of 20 chapters in this book (ideal for printing forms) offers you 134 of the very best football forms collected and created throughout the author's coaching career. This book also includes completed examples of most forms so you can see precisely how you and your staff can put them to use! Once you see how this book helps you organize your workload and save time, you will wonder how you ever coached without it. 304 pages.

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FOOTBALL COACHES, perhaps more than in any other sport, must balance an extensive number of roles. A football coach is a teacher, motivator, tactician, recruiter, promoter, performance evaluator, fundraiser, game-daystrategist, administrator, guidance counselor, talent judge, scout and much, much more. And with the thousands of details and hours of time each role demands, it’s downright impossible to do all of them without being organized.

There are hundreds of different ways a coach can go about his job — there’s no “one way” of doing things.I’m convinced, however, that one of the fundamental keys for success is organization. From that organization, you can then formulate a solid plan that everyone — players and coaches — can buy into and execute. But to expect this buy-in, you’d better have a clear, justifiable reason for everything that you’re doing.


I’ve been fortunate to have participated in three of the biggest, and most dramatic, turnarounds in college football history at Iowa, Wisconsin and Iowa State, and have learned from masterful organizers and planners in Iowa’s Hayden Fry and Wisconsin’s Barry Alvarez. There’s no greater testament to the importance of organization than turning around programs that were either winless or had one victory in the prior year. Your organizational methods will chart your course; it keeps you steadfast and uncompromising in your beliefs and plans. That’s really where the whole process of successful coaching starts.

Not only will better organization help coaches individually, but it also breeds results — not to mention a commonmission — at every level on your staff. As a former assistant coach and coordinator, I can tell you how appreciated it is to work for an organized head coach. Their clear,concise directives conveyed exactly what was expected of me, and this enabled me to stay focused on the tasks and priorities at hand. You can remove a great deal of the guesswork from the assistant coach’s daily tasks through clear organization, and by giving them the tools that support the primary coaching objectives.

It’s fascinating to see how all winning programs are built on a three-legged stool of organization, preparation and execution. While well-thought-out plans can make up for deficiencies elsewhere, the absence of an organized plan will handcuff a coach’s ability to prepare and execute.

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